In Firewatch you can pick up some Objects to interact with.
- Axe
- Backpack
- Cassette Player
- Cave Keys
- Fishing Pole
- Flashlight
- Hats
- Map and Compass
- Old Rope / New Rope
- Radio
- Wave Receiver
Crime by the Numbers Series[]
- (1) One Chance to Die
- (2) Death Strikes at Two
- (3) Three Blind Rats
- (4) The Fourth Estate
- (5) Five Degrees North
- (6) Six Feet Down Under
- (7) Terminal Seven
- (8) Eight Rolled the Hard Way
- (9) Nine Lives Lost
- (10) Ten to One
Other Books[]
- 1001 Crosswords
- 1001 More Crosswords
- Comic Book (Black Band)
- Glory
- Jane Eyre
- Lucien's Gambit
- School Folder
- Steven's Room
- The Accidental Savior
- The Birds of Wyoming
- The Patriots
- The Singular Mind
- Wizards & Wyverns
Household Items[]
- Apple
- Bleach
- Boom Box
- Bra
- Cassette Tapes
- Coffee Can
- Coffee Percolator
- Dish Soap
- Glass Cleaner
- Granola Bar
- Jam
- Mugs
- Old Scottish Oil Soap
- Pasta Sauce
- Peanut Butter
- Thermos
- Toilet Paper
- Underwear