Firewatch Wiki
NoteFromRon 6-16-86

In Firewatch, there are notes to be found throughout the map which can tell Henry more about the past.


Note from Ron 6/16/86 can be found inside of Cache 241.




GUESS WHO'S GOING OUT WITH DEBBIE NEXT WEEK!!! No, not that shit-heel Steve—it‘s your man Ron!

I went up to check out the new guy (at Two Forks) and heard him talking to himself (more than usual for LOs) so I figured l'd stay away. Remember when you saw Chimney Rock having himself in that hammock? I'm starting to think the forest service only picks the deranged and perverted.

Except for us, of course; we're the creme-de-la-creme.

Let's toast to DEB at the spot!

- Ron
