Firewatch Wiki
NoteFromDave NoDate

In Firewatch, there are notes to be found throughout the map which can tell Henry more about the past.


Note from Dave (No Date) can be found inside of Cache 307.

It was probably written in the period between 7/08/86 and 7/29/86.



Really wish the powers that be could issue us radios that didn't suck ass. Most of the time l'd prefer to keep things pen to paper but every once in a while it'd be nice to get ahold of you right away.

My sister keeps leaving me messages at the main office but I don't think she gets that I took the job so I wouldn't have to deal with her or mom. I've been sitting at the spot for a while now, thinking about what to say to her, but I'm a quarter way through a bottle of Fyfe's instead.

Miss you.

