Firewatch Wiki

Julia is a character in Firewatch, Henry's wife

Summary[ | ]

Much like Delilah, this character is never actually seen in Firewatch. She is Henry's wife, and was a college professor of evolutionary biology whom Henry had practically stumbled into one night at The Dollar Bar in 1975. They started dating a week after that. Roughly a year later, they moved into an apartment together and got a dog, but work got in the way of any plans to have children. They did, however, get married in 1979. She loved to draw, and Henry loved to model for her. Things were going well between them until Julia became sick with what was eventually revealed to be early onset dementia, at 41 years old. Henry took care of her for as long as he could, but her condition went from bad to worse, and eventually she went to live with her parents in Melbourne, Australia, where she would receive further care. Soon after, Henry took the job as a fire-watch at Yellowstone Park to get away from it all.

The only image we have of Julia is the photo which sits on Henry's desk at Lookout Station. In it, her face is obscured by the camera. We also briefly get to hear her voice over the radio, as one night Henry is delusional in his half-awake state and thinks he is speaking to her (even though it is really Delilah).
