Firewatch Wiki

The Jonesy Lake is an important location in Firewatch.


Jonesy Lake is located in the western part of the map. It is the largest body of water in the game, and the player will often make their way through this area on their way to other locations, as it serves as a hub that connects trails that lead all over the map.

It is also where you will find the Teenage Girls on Day One.

Through an optional conversation Henry can have with Delilah before reaching the lake on Day 1, Henry will come across a huge outcropping rock that amazes him. If you inform Delilah about this, she will tell Henry that there used to be a couple of guys who would boulder (free climb) there a few times a year, but eventually stopped showing up. Given Henry's own capabilities with free rock climbing, it is not outside the realm of possibility that Henry himself might also try bouldering here.
